
Webinar: Hold the phone! How modern contact centers are going digital

Khoros Alumni (Retired)

[Announcing] September Care Webinar

Hold the phone! How modern contact centers are going digital.

Call centers have been around for almost 60 years. Although many have been rebranded to “contact centers,” operations haven’t changed much, and contact volume is still overwhelmingly phone-based. The need to transform contact centers for digital-first service has become even more urgent in 2020. How are businesses planning this fundamental shift? What do contact centers look like when they are digitally transformed? This panel featuring executives from Khoros, USAA, and Jaawy will discuss how global brands are embracing both traditional and digital channels, and how a digital-first brand creates innovative customer experiences.

In this 30 minute session we’ll cover:

  • Trends in contact volume and customer’s preferred channels
  • How new customer-preferred channels should be integrated into contact centers
  • How to adopt customer-centric thinking
  • Easy, low-effort ways to start transforming to digital-first customer service
  • How new brands can go completely digital, and large enterprises can begin to shift their operations to enable more digital service and care



Mike Betzer, General Manager, Khoros Care

Bill Gerth, Director, Social Business, USAA

George Attia, VP of Customer Care, Jawwy-STC


Not able to join us? Don’t worry. We’ll share a recording of this digital discussion with everyone who registers.


Register now:

Wednesday, September 30, 11 AM CST

Wednesday, September 30, 11 AM AEST

1 Comment
Khoros Alumni (Retired)

If you missed the session, you can still watch it here: