All maxu's Badges

maxu has earned 4 badges!
  • LiNC’15 Digitally Connected
    LiNC’15 Digitally Connected
    Earned by 79
    You've joined the LiNC'15 event group, downloaded the mobile app, and connected to Klout. You're all set for the optimal LiNC'15 digital experience!
  • LiNC'15 Photographer
    LiNC'15 Photographer
    Earned by 126
    Thanks for sharing your experience! 5 LiNC photos via the mobile app. You’re on a roll!
  • LiNC’15 Attendee
    LiNC’15 Attendee
    Earned by 551
    Thanks for joining us at LiNC'15! We hope you had an amazing time learning and networking with other attendees.
  • Lithosphere Legacy
    Lithosphere Legacy
    Earned by 60,773
    Thank you for being a member during our Lithosphere days. We appreciate your ongoing participation in the community.